Instruction Sets Instruction Policy Rules Preconditions Checks Triggers Fixs Title Ascending Title Descending Most Recent Most Endorsed Recently Modified Most Downloads 70 products packs Vulnerability Management Secure your environment from vulnerabilities by running scans and deploying security patches across the organization Linux System Management Manage the Linux based systems BadRabbit Vulnerability Identify machines likely to be impacted by BadRabbit malware by looking for indicators of compromise Windows Firewall Manage firewall rule configurations on end-user machines to strengthen end-user device security Microsoft Teams Increase user's productivity by resolving common issues with Microsoft Teams Local Admin Grant end-user access to local admin rights Windows Client Health Verify the health and service function and also checked the behavior of core Windows services Windows Security Profile Get compliance against baselines for Credential Guard, Smartscreen, BitLocker, Windows Update and Windows Defender 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 9