
This product pack includes various instructions to help with the investigation and management of processes that are running on a device.

Key Features

  • List the processes that are run by a given parent process.
  • CPU Usage for a specified executable. Do not add in .exe - just specify the name of the binary - for explorer.exe use explorer.
  • List top processes including information about UserName, ExecutableName, ParentExecutableName, etc.
  • Starts a process with specified commandline on the device.


  • This Product Pack contains instructions.
  • Upload the Product pack either with the help of Tachyon Product Pack Deployment Tool or directly by clicking on Upload button from Instruction set in 1E Platform.
  • Create an Instruction Set named Windows Process Management and move all the instructions from Unassigned Set to this set, unless you use Product Pack Deployment Tool which creates it automatically.


  1. Go to Explorer and search for any instruction in this pack, For Example List users account containing a string '<type>' which are running a process.
  2. Click on Ask this question.
  3. This will provide a list of user accounts with a specified string type those are currently running a process.


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