
This product pack contains instructions that lets an administrator to enlist and manage the directories present on an endpoint device and get rid of invalid or unwanted desktop shortcuts as well.

Key Features

  • This Product Pack contains Instructions that help to create and delete short cuts. Set visual effects for better performance, Allow user to set wallpaper etc.


  • This Product Pack contains instructions.
  • Upload the Product pack either with the help of Tachyon Product Pack Deployment Tool or directly by clicking on Upload button from Instruction set in 1E Platform.
  • Create an Instruction Set named Desktop Management and move all the instructions from Unassigned Set to this set, unless you use Product Pack Deployment Tool which creates it automatically.


  1. Go to Explorer and search for any instruction in this pack, For Example Create <ShortcutName> at <ShortCutLocation> for exe <exeFilePath>.
  2. Set the Shortcut to Microsoft Edge Browser at ShortCutLocation Desktop for exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe.
  3. Click Perform this Action.
  4. It should create a shortcut on desktop for Microsoft Edge with name Microsoft Edge Browser. In below screenshot it was created for Win10-1 device.


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