
This product pack contains Guaranteed State policy, rules, and instructions to check and manage package deployment by AidenBot.

Aiden is a Software Packaging and Deployment solution. This page describes AidenBot as a way of using the deployment tool you’re already using to agentlessly deliver intelligent software packages to all your organization’s Windows devices.

Key Features

  • Check the current status of Aiden packages on devices.
  • Copy the Aiden.exe, company.ini and con.ini file under 1E resource directory.
  • Use AidenBot to deploy the specified application package to devices.
  • It will uninstall the application using the remove package.


  • This DEXPack contains both Rules and Instructions.
  • Upload this DEXPack with the help of Product Pack Deployment Tool.
  • A Endpoint Automation Policy named AidenBot Policy will be created.
  • Four Endpoint Automation Rules will be created in this policy.
  • An Instruction set named AidenBot will be created containing all the instructions.
  • This DEXpack contains instructions to utilize Aiden as deployment tool. To utilize the instructions listed below you should have Aiden.exe along with company.ini and common.ini on the client devices. These files will be attached to the instruction and will be copied to the 1E Client resource folder. This must be done by using the following instructions or Endpoint Automation rules
    • Instruction 1: Aiden Cache AidenBot and Configuration files  OR
    • Rule 1: Aiden Cache AidenBot and Configuration files
  • Once the instruction is ran on all devices, or the Endpoint Automation rule is deployed on all devices, the files will be cached, and the remainder of the instructions can be utilized.
  • 1E will regularly update Aiden.exe and common.ini file when there is a new update. However, the company.ini file is specific to customer so you would need to share the updated company.ini file with 1E Exchange team to update. If you have the code signing certificate to sign instructions, then update the company.ini file in 1E instructions and fragments of these rules.


  • Review the rules:
    • Rule 1: Aiden cache AidenBot and configuration files
      • This is intended to copy the Aiden.exe, company.ini, common.ini and cmd.bat file.
      • This rule will copy the files if the same version of Aiden.exe is not available on endpoints.
    • Rule 2: Aiden scan and check compliance state
      • This is intended as a run-on schedule rule
      • Aiden will scan the endpoint and update the registry values used for reporting and the determination of compliance state.
    • Rule 3: Aiden apply recommendations
      • This is intended to either run on a reoccurring schedule or run repeatedly until successful and then stop.
      • Intended to trigger regular updates to the environment based on Aiden actions needed.
      • This rule could be copied to create different schedules for topics or needs, and then set to active or in-active according.
      • Examples
        • Pilot action - Aiden's Company.ini file applies to all endpoints for a single customer. When the INI file is updated, or when new versions of packages are provided, the changes can be applied to any or all endpoints. Some organizations prefer a phased rollout schedule, often starting with pilot computers. In this scenario, endpoints should stop running AidenBot when all tasks have succeeded, even if new tasks become available later.
        • For pilot testing - Clone a rule and deploy it to pilot user management groups only.
        • To apply/start the recommendations for all endpoints: In the rule's precondition set the date as deployment start date otherwise keep it as previous cycle date.
    • Rule 4: Aiden prompt user to reboot
      • This is intended for reboot health in your environment and intended to run on a schedule.
      • The rule creates a reboot prompt for end users, based on Aiden pending reboot. Note that Aiden doesn’t have a reboot prompt on its own.
      • To allow user to defer reboot up and forcefully reboot after the defer limit exceed then set the parameter “EnableManagedReboot” value to true and deploy the Managed reboots policy. Update the rule “Enable user interactive reboots” rule to configure the defer limit and force reboot pop up duration.
  • The precondition of each rules ensures that the Aiden setup.exe file exits on the 1E Client.                                                       
  • Adjust the trigger IntervalHours to meet your requirement.
  • The check, for example, scans the exit code based on which it determines if the device is compliant or not. The codes are described here.
  • Review all other rules in this Policy and enable those.
  • Assign the AidenBot Policy Policy to a management group. Deploy this Policy.
  • Aiden will scan the endpoint and update the registry values used for reporting and the determination of compliance state.
  • Within a period of a day or more you would start seeing the compliance reports on AidenBot package deployment and configurations.


      Results of compliant or not compliant are based on the Aiden exit code

  • Compliant exit code = 0
    • This means that scan ran and there were no actions needed as a result and device is compliant – such as: no action pending, no recommendation pending, no reboot, retry, etc.
    • Refer to the exit codes in the references section.
  • Non-compliant exit codes = all other exit codes, per list in the references below.                                                               


Instruction Set: AidenBot

We can also manually run instruction from Explorer to perform various actions or questions related to AidenBot. Following are the instructions available with this DEXPack:

  • Aiden apply recommendations with stagger %staggerSeconds% seconds
  • Aiden deploy subject %SubjectName% include optional %optional% with stagger %staggerSeconds% seconds
  • Aiden remove subject %SubjectName% include optional %optional% with stagger %staggerSeconds% seconds
  • Aiden scan endpoint
  • Aiden cache AidenBot and configuration files
  • Aiden scan and report


Aiden Exit Codes

Note that these exit codes apply to all command line switches.

Exit code list:

  • 0 - All tasks are complete, and no task requires a reboot
  • 1 - One or more tasks are still recommended, no task has requested to be retried later, and no task requires a reboot
  • 103 - Critical, unable to create the GUI
  • 109 - Critical, internal error: Unable to use Aiden's core library
  • 110 - Critical, configuration file not found
  • 1618 - A task has requested to be retried later, and no task requires a reboot
  • 1639 - Critical, invalid command line argument
  • 3010 - All tasks were successful, and a task requires a reboot to complete
  • 3017 - A task requires a reboot, and another task did not complete, or all unsuccessful tasks require a reboot to continue
  • Note: Aiden may update the Exit Code list or language independently of this documentation, please refer to the Aiden documentation for the most current information.


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